Saturday 15 May 2010

Pirate Party now Live!

I have just been finishing off our pirate party section on Min Temafest. Now its complete we have the best pirate party (pirat fest) section in Denmark and I feel really confident people are really going to like it. Go to our Pirat Kostumer page to see the latest outfits to go with the pirate section.

Anyway, I hope you like the section and of course I would love any feedback in the comments section!!!


Testing Tetsing!!!

This is my first post, and a mini introduction. My name is Stuart Bishop and I am currently working on creating (hopefully :) ) the best party webshop in Denmark. We offer a combination of great prices and over 10,000 products. Unfortunately this involves a lot of translation, but at least my danish is getting better!

Any come check out our shop at and see for yourself!

Vi Ses!!!